
For the love of food and nothing else.

Hey there! I’m Krishy, a (colourful) hooman from Singapore who obsesses about breakfast, lunch and dinner to an obscene extent. Welcome to thecraversguide.com, my online real-estate for conversations about food and travel.

I have loved cooking (and eating) since 13. My kitchen curiosity saw me through my teens, fashion school, national service, depression, a very shitty relationship and a struggling business. Food was always a constant; I turned to cooking and eating for comfort. This is not to say I can’t enjoy a Filet O Fish Meal from MacDonald’s – there are days where only Mac will do and I live in full acknowledgement of this hard #factoflife.

Chickpeas Cooked in Orange Juice

How I see food has helped me sharpen the focus of this blog since the brand’s inception in 2014. Today, thecraversguide.com is a food diary serving inspirational answers to a question I find most people don’t even know they need answered: How To Eat.

I use fresh ingredients where I can and bottled sauces when I don’t have the energy. I have a full-time job in Digital Marketing, so I rather maximise my time in eating the food then slave over a hot stove. This has made me keep my recipes short, simple and perfect for weeknights. If it’s a weekend recipe, then you’ll see that I call it out as such.

Thai Basil Minced Chicken

I do not claim to be a chef or an expert in food. The kitchen to me is as magnificent as life itself; you can never finish learning about everything. I have a particular penchant for Indian and Thai food, a passion that you will see strewn all over the site. And don’t get me started on cake. Cake is my everything.

I love to travel, especially around Asia. The travel section here is peppered with all the places I have visited and what I found most delicious while traversing through the streets of Bangkok or Ho Chi Minh, and most recently Taipei.

Shifen Waterfall, Taipei

I do restaurant reviews because of the very kind people who invite me to tastings; you can catch most of these in my Instagram and in the eats section. My cooking videos are also available on Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook. The best way to reach me? krishy@thecraversguide.com.

So I hope you find in this blog a guide to your cravings, as I constantly try for it to be.



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